Where can I watch the following films? Here is the complete streaming guide for the best Oscar Picture Winners. This list has been updated to include aorthe winner of the best picture of 2025.
As film historian David Thompson once explained, the Academy Awards Vanity FairStudio Head Louis B. Mayer may have evolved from his desire to divert employees from potential interest in unionization. However, since these first awards were handed out in 1929, they have become an industry obsession. Around that, the entire annual cycle of film releases is now directed, with the glorious goal of Oscar being the most meaningful scorecard that studios and filmmakers can strive for.
This delves into the history of the awards over 90 years, and remember that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has made some strange choices. Wings He won the award for “Excellent Photography.” Every year, to this day, there is a lot of drama packed into who was nominated, who was not, and who ultimately won. All movie fans have strong opinions about the year when the best movies were underrated. (Interestingly, we don’t talk much about Oscar’s year. did Make it right – there’s something about human nature and we tend to be involved in anger. )
On one level, Oscar watching is a sport and a game to be played. The entire industry is built around trying to optimize each year’s candidate for victory. It’s an epic drama whole in itself, and has real interests. Whatever the origins of the ceremony, winning an Oscar for the best photos today means that the film has more opportunities in the eternal life described by Elinor St. John (Jean Smart), who explains to 2022 film star Jack Conrad (Brad Pitt). Babylon: “A child born in 50 years flickers on the screen and feels like they know you like a friend.
It’s an interesting kind of immortality and won an award that declares you the best film of the year. But that’s more than most of our people have ever achieved.
– Liz Shannon Miller
Senior Entertainment Editor