Lost Lands star Dave Bautista talked about his new fantasy action film. The Guardians of the Galaxy standout talked about the approval of George R.R. Martin, his bond with Milla Jovovich, and his hoping that the film will launch a new universe. The Paul WS Anderson film will be released in theaters on March 7th.
“Based on the short story of George R.R. Martin, directed by Paul W.S. Anderson, the Queen sends the powerful and feared magician Greyalis (Millajovovich) into the ghostly wilderness of the lost land in search of magical powers.
Tyler Treese: I read a short story this morning and this film has many surprises and some interesting tweaks. But I really like the emotional climax of the film actually has a line of direct dialogue from the short story. What was your favorite thing about the transition from short stories to film? You see Voice really being fleshed out more.
Dave Bautista: I think we had great hopes for this. I think this is like changing into a whole world, a whole universe, building this first film and extending it into a possible trilogy. So I think we’re leaving a lot of ways to add to the characters and add to the storyline in the future, leaving behind a very open-ended one. I think that was it.
But you are right. After all, we remained true to the short stories, maintained all sorts of things about relationships, stayed in this kind of fantasy world, and thought it was who it was and who George R.R. Martin wanted this.
George RR Martin was said to be very pleased with the film, so that’s really great. Because he is very successful and has such a high standard.
But yeah, we don’t just want to stay true to the roots of the story, but we also have a place to start building the world and make it bigger. So we hope we have the opportunity to do that in the future. But after many people have seen the film and then we have a weekend time, we hope to gain a fan base and build in this world.
You can’t get a better co-signature than George RR Martin. If he doesn’t like something, he’ll tell you too.
Bautista: Yeah. I’ve heard of it (lol).
It’s really funny to see you working with Milla Jovovich because you feel like you’re considered an outsider early in both your and her career. People are like, “Oh, that’s a model of trying to act.” And you – wrestler. But you’ve both really got over it, and you’re so clear that both of you have such clear care in your craft. So, how does it work with her and is anyone overcoming that stigma she had?
Bautista: It’s weird because you gave me a whole new perspective,” because I’ve never actually thought about it.
However, I didn’t see Mira, so I met Paul before I started filming. I think it’s even before I got the script. And before we had to sit down, I had a lot of conversations with Paul. I didn’t see Mira until we actually started working together.
And if I told her – I wanted it to go off the road – I was a fan, you’ll pass it. So we are peers and coworkers. But she was very accepting of it. She didn’t make me feel like a fanboy, she made me feel like her peers and her co-stars. And she made me feel comfortable. I didn’t need to feel self-conscious.
Maybe it was because of that, she’s kind of – and that’s the subconscious – she gets it. She knew what I had gone through and what I was trying to achieve for myself. But I never really thought about it until you put it in that perspective, and that makes a bit of sense.
Or I realized that she’s just a great person and that she’s really a good person too, and that she’s someone she can work with. But there was something about natural chemistry. And maybe again, maybe I believe in the subconscious, and maybe it’s because we came from that place. People who have our misconceptions, and who we want to be, and who we want to be.
Thank you to Lost Lands star Dave Bautista for taking the time to talk about the film.
(Tagstotranslate) Lost Lands (T) Interview (T) Dave Bautista in Film Characteristics